Much of the music we hear on the radio today is saturated with elicit drug use, casual sex, violence and other bad influences that are hurting our society. Every once in a while, however, there is a rare gem of a song that encourages you to rise above the coarser parts of human nature and be a better person. This blog features some of our favorite uplifting pop songs along with what they mean to us.

Feel free to leave your own interpretation as a comment!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"From God's Arms, To My Arms, To Yours" by Michael McLean

This last Sunday two ladies from a local pregnant teen counseling and adoption center spoke to us at church.  As they talked about the young teenage mothers who come into their office feeling alone and scared of the great decisions that they had to make shortly, my heart went out to them.  They told us that when an individual comes in with an unwanted pregnancy (or their parents, siblings, friends, etc.) they always sit them down and in a calm, caring manner discuss their options: 1) Marrying the father and raising the child together, 2) Raising the child as a single parent, 3) Adopting the child out to a family that wants them, or 4) Aborting the child.  Realizing that it is often impossible for the birth mother to get married or be a single mom, my wife and I agreed that we had great respect for the women who carried the baby to full term and then adopted them to a family.

As those ladies told us of the great heartache those pregnant girls initially have and the great peace they found in doing the right thing and adopting their baby, it reminded me of a song I had heard many years ago.  Songwriter Michael McLean was approached by a girl with an unwanted pregnancy about writing a song for her to give to the family she was adopting her child to.  From her journal entries, McLean wrote this unique song that has given hope and encouragement to many many girls in the same situation.  (Listen to his explanation here. )

"From God's Arms, To My Arms, To Yours" by Michael McLean

So many wrong decisions in my past, I'm not quite sure
If I can ever hope to trust my judgement anymore.
But lately I've been thinking,
'Cause it's all I've had to do.
And in my heart I feel that I
Should give this child to you.

And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before,
By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.

If you choose to tell him,
If he wants to know,
How the one who gave him life
Could bear to let him go.
Just tell him there were sleepless nights,
I prayed and paced the floors,
And knew the only peace I'd find,
Was if this child was yours.

And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before,
By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.

This may not be the answer,
For another girl like me.
But I'm not on a soapbox,
Saying how we all should be.
I'm just trusting in my feelings,
And I'm trusting God above,
And I'm trusting you can give this baby
Both his mothers' love.

And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before,
By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.

Resources for Unwanted Pregnancies:
It's About Love
Pregnant? You Have Options
About Abortion

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